NASA eclipse maps mean you can be exactly where the action is

Scientists and eclipse enthusiasts alike will no longer need to worry about accidentally missing out on their view of upcoming solar eclipses.

NASA has developed eclipse maps that plot in fine detail the pathway of the Moon’s central shadow (umbra) as it crosses Earth.

Their new study reveals not only the true shape of the umbra, but also the reason it occurs.

They found that the valleys along the edge of the Moon act like pinhole cameras, projecting images of the Sun onto the surface of the Earth. The umbra is the small hole in the middle where none of these projected Sun images reach.

An illustration of the sun images projected by lunar valleys on the moon’s edge on the earth’s surface
Viewed from behind the Moon, the Sun images projected by lunar valleys on the Moon’s edge fall on the Earth’s surface in a flower-like pattern with a hole in the middle, forming the umbra shape. Credit: NASA SVS/Ernie Wright

“Beginning with the 2017 total solar eclipse, we’ve been publishing maps and movies of eclipses that show the true shape of the Moon’s central shadow — the umbra,” says Ernie Wright, from the Scientific Visualization Studio at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

“And people ask, why does it look like a potato instead of a smooth oval? The short answer is that the Moon isn’t a perfectly smooth sphere.”

Traditional 19th century approaches to calculating the path of the umbra relied on the significant assumptions that everyone observing the eclipse is doing so at sea level and that the Moon is a smooth sphere perfectly centred around its centre of mass.

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A map showing the umbra (the Moon’s central shadow) as it passes over Cleveland at 3:15 p.m. local time during the April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse. Credit: NASA SVS/Ernie Wright and Michaela Garrison

Both are incorrect, of course. People live well below and above sea level, and the Moon has a cratered, uneven surface from its long history of asteroid and meteorite impacts.

Eclipse map predictions that ignore the Earth’s and Moon’s terrains can be kilometres off – in terms of where the umbra will occur – and seconds off in the duration and contact times of totality (when an observers see the Moon eclipse the Sun completely).

This may not seem significant, but the researchers say such errors are becoming “increasingly intolerable” for both photographers and scientists recording observations.

An illustration of the moon showing beads of sunlight just peaking around the edge
A computer simulation of Baily’s beads during a total solar eclipse. The beads appear a few seconds before and after totality (when the Moon completely blocks the Sun) or annularity (when the Moon is completely encompassed by the bright edge of the Sun). Data from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter makes it possible to map the lunar valleys that create the bead effect. Credit: NASA SVS/Ernie Wright

The paper in The Astronomical Journal describes their new approach. It involves incorporating data on the mountains and valleys around the edge of the Moon, gathered by NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter), as well as an elevation map of Earth so that eclipse observer locations are depicted at their true altitude.

And, unlike the hand calculation method invented 200 years ago, the new way renders eclipse maps a pixel at a time, the same way 3D animation software creates images.

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