Women who focus on touch have more orgasms

A new study investigating the female orgasm has found that women have more frequent and satisfying climaxes when they have high levels of “interoception” – the ability to focus on and sense body sensations such as heartbeat and touch.

“Our study empirically demonstrates that women need to get out of their heads and into their bodies to have more frequent and satisfying orgasms,” says Megan Klabunde from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, UK.

“When examining how … interoceptive awareness relates to orgasm in women, we found that, as predicted, increased awareness was associated with both higher orgasm frequency and satisfaction.”

“This study is important because most research looking at orgasms in women have focused on their dysfunction.”

“Better understanding the process to orgasm for women could lead to their increased well-being in addition to boosting relationship satisfaction for women and their partners.”