Credit: Alex Braczkowski
1: Lion brothers cross croc-infested waters in search of love A pair of lions – one with 3 legs – has been documented swimming 1.5 kilometres across the predator-infested waters of Kazinga Channel in Uganda in the pitch-dark night.
Brothers Jacob and Tibu. Credit: Alexander Braczkowski
Photo courtesy of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
3: When the ants invade, lions stop killing zebras Invasive ants are a big problem all over the world – the big-headed antis is a particularly vexatious species. Research showed how these little ants are upending a Kenyan ecosystem, causing lions to kill fewer zebras.
Lions in East Africa in their preferred low-visibility habitat. Credit: Todd Palmer
Credit: Alexander Braczkowski
Lion at a commercial breeding facility in South Africa. Credit: Roberto Vieto / World Animal Protection.
Credit: Alexander Braczkowski