Special issue: Food wars

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Special issue: Food wars



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With the prospect of feeding a population expected to reach 11 billion this century, against the backdrop of a climate that grows more punishing, food security is very much part of the conversation.

Yet we were in a similar place 50 years ago. Then the conversation was about how Asia would feed itself. Many predicted it wouldn’t but were proven wrong by the Green Revolution, an agricultural breakthrough led by American wheat breeder Norman Borlaug who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This March much of the world will celebrate his 100th birthday. But many will have never heard of him or his revolution. And of those who have, many will revile all that they stand for, because the world is engaged in a war over agriculture.

Cosmos is dedicated to unpacking the conflict. This is a misguided battle that does not serve the cause Borlaug devoted his life to. As he reminds us, “The first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind.” Cosmos invites you to test your ideas and reflect on the challenges facing agriculture in the 21st century.

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