Botanic gardens losing battle to save endangered plants

Credit: Johan Mouchet

A century of data shows botanic gardens are at full capacity, impacting their ability to meet scientific and conservation goals.

Credit: Yana Vandeborne

Researchers propose a global "meta-collection" where 3,500 botanic gardens collaborate to protect endangered plants.

Credit: David Clode.

Botanic gardens house over 105,000 plant species  (30% of all land plants), but keeping them alive requires significant effort, resources, and data management.

Credit: Yana Vandeborne

Using data from living collections, researchers created a tool to analyse  2.2 million records from 100 years of operations in 50 botanic gardens worldwide.

Credit: Simon Wiedensohler

Researchers found that botanic gardens have stopped growing in size and plant diversity due to limited resources and restrictions around acquiring wild specimens.

Credit: Jingyu Liu

Researchers stress the need for global collaboration to address climate change and protect species, but fear botanic gardens are losing the battle to prioritise biodiversity loss.